Writing prompts are words and phrases that serve to trigger your imagination and help you form new ideas.
For example:
The body was still warm.
I bet an image of a body appeared in your mind.
Did you wonder about the body?
Maybe you began to concoct a story around the image?
Well, that’s how it works.
Here are some more examples – think about them and ask yourself questions about each one.
The more questions you ask yourself the more possibilities will emerge.
He wasn’t sure what was around the corner.
She looked around, scanning the crowd but he was gone.
He was standing at the edge of the pier and looking down into the deep water.
The small chain was dangling from a branch.
He took the book from the dusty shelf and shook it. A small envelope landed at his feet.
The stream flowed towards an open field.
The old wooden desk had a drawer missing.
The cardboard box was empty.
He placed his files on the table and removed his glasses.
She ran along the winding path, past a field of poppies.
The old man opened the letter and gasped.
Birds fluttered around the hedgerow.
He could see there was no choice but to follow his path through the narrow alley.
The stadium was crowded – impossible to see.
The picture was framed in old rosewood and hidden below the cabinet.
She pulled at the rope and above her, a small window began to open.
I hope you enjoyed these writing prompts.
Best of luck with your writing.
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